EM TEST® Guide
Testing should be carried out in a calm, peaceful environment, preferably in an isolated room (or behind a curtain), the client should not be on an empty stomach.
1. To perform the test, place the essential oil testers in the set strictly in order from 1 to 85.
2. To add a new customer, go to the CUSTOMER DIRECTORY menu by clicking the "ADD NEW" button. Enter the customer's data (full name, phone number, gender and year of birth), then click "SAVE". Once the new customer has been added, close the data card and click on the "DIAGNOSE" button to access the olfactory response checklist. If the customer's information is already in the directory, a new diagnostic test will be performed in the HISTORY section.
3. In the "CLIENT" field of the CHECKLIST form, please select the full name of the client taking the test from the available list.
4. Record the olfactory reaction of the client to each of the 85 essential oil testers, in strict order, by putting a "tick" in the color circle of the numbered position of the CHECKLIST corresponding to the response
Olfactory responses to the odors of essential oils are differentiated in the CHECKLIST according to the following types of reaction and the colors of the circles:
"negative" (unpleasant, rather no than yes, I rather don’t like) - red circle;
"positive" (pleasant, I rather like, normal, rather yes than no) - green circle;
"neutral" (indifferent, I don't feel, I can't decide) - yellow circle;
"sharply negative" - dark grey circle;
"sharply positive" - blue circle.
Ask the client to evaluate his olfactory reaction strictly in terms of: "Positive / Negative /Neutral (sharply positive, sharply negative, I do not feel") and call the tester's number.
the client opens the vial No. 1, smells the scent, closes it and says: "Negative" - "Number one", after which the specialist who conducts the testing puts a tick in the red circle of position No. 1 of the CHECKLIST
5. Having completed the testing of all the testers, click the "CONTINUE" button - if the form does not close, then in one or more positions of the CHECKLIST the circle is not selected and the tick is not marked, after checking and correcting the form after 3 minutes, click the "CONTINUE" button again.
To display the result correctly, the CHECKLIST must be closed only with the "CONTINUE" button, otherwise the test data will be lost!
6. After receiving and reviewing the test result form, which indicates the main symptoms of each diagnosed by EMTEST® possible health disorder, based on the client's survey, fill in the "FEEDBACK" field available in each position of the test result:
Ask the client if he has such symptoms, if he answers that he has, ask if the client has been diagnosed with such a diagnosis in a medical way, reflect the corresponding answers in the FEEDBACK field and click "SEND".
If the client replies that he does not have such symptoms and/ or has not been diagnosed with such a diagnosis, ask if (name the diagnosis of the position) such problems have been diagnosed in close relatives of the client, reflect the answers in the FEEDBACK field and click "SEND".
After sending Feedback on all positions of the test result, click the "TEST VALIDATION" button, after reviewing the statistics of confirmation of test results from the client, return to the result form and click "FINISH", after which the form will close and a record of the client's GENERAL diagnosis will appear in the DIAGNOSTIC HISTORY and additional results will be automatically generated in the form of reconstruction of blood and urine tests.
The test result form must be closed only by clicking the "FINISH" button, otherwise the test results may be lost!
If no significant health problems are detected, the "GENERAL " result form will be empty - Example
!!In case of detection of EMTEST® positions of health disorders: "Brain hypoxia", "Olfactory dysfunction", "Cognitive impairment" - in connection with the fixation of neurological changes in olfactory function, the algorithm determines the ongoing neurodegenerative process in the form of " dispersion" of numerous results (including analyses), which are evaluated as "distorted" and hidden in the form with the "disclosure" option. In this case, it is necessary to find out the probable etiology of the process by questioning (childhood adenoids, chronic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, pulmonary fibrosis, anemia, enzymatic insufficiency, vascular disorders, etc.)
EMTEST® is the earliest diagnosis of the development of degenerative processes in the central nervous system of all etiologies.
7. Get acquainted with the results of the analysis reconstruction, interview the client on deviating indicators, such as if you see the probability of a downward deviation of the "Hemoglobin" indicator in the reconstruction of the General Blood Test, find out if the client's Hemoglobin is usually lowered, etc.
Deviation of parameters of indicators of probabilistic reconstruction of basic analyses in the forms of additional results is an information vector for obtaining a more complete picture of health disorders - validation by clinical tests is possible, but not mandatory.
8. The type of diagnosis for "Tumor markers" is vector testing of the hypothalamus for the probable presence of a hereditary predisposition to tumor processes.