Based on the analysis of human olfactory responses to the aromas of natural essential oils caused by complex reactions of the neuroendocrine and limbic systems, an innovative algorithm for vector processing of testing data distinguishes the probability of more than 350 types of health disorders with a list of the main symptoms of each type of disorder, which can be immediately discussed with the client, including an assessment of the probabilistic severity of symptoms and the possibility of clinical confirmation with the option of reconstructing the basic analyses, "as if" they were passed at the time of testing.
The ranking of the probabilistic severity of symptoms and the assessment of the possibility of clinical confirmation is carried out on a scale:
Initial - 72-82 % - mild symptoms, not clinically confirmed;
Average - 83 - 88 % - the symptoms are erased; clinical confirmation is unlikely;
High - 89 %-100 % - presence of symptoms and possible clinical confirmation;
EMGENESIS - up to 78% - hereditary predisposition "circulating" in the genome;
The average duration of the test is 25-30 minutes, the test results are presented in the form of the "Roadmap of health disorders", which are reflected in the form of a result in a descending sequence of prioritization of systems - the most important violation will be reflected in the upper position of the result and further according to the degree of reduction in the impact of violations on the general condition of the body.
The test results are not meant to be handed out to clients and can be accessed and viewed by all specialists (to gain access, all specialists must log in without registering on the website, using the username and password of the only registered user — the Clinic.
Examples of the EO TEST® test result :
General examination
General blood test
Biochemical blood test
Vitamins and trace elements blood test
Hormone blood test
Tumor markers
In conditions of constantly increasing cost of laboratory tests and shortage of specialists in remote sparsely populated areas and settlements, making a decision on equipping a polyclinic, clinic, laboratory, mobile or stationary paramedic station, rural first aid station with a set of testers of 100% natural essential oils and access to the EMTEST system will help to get express screening of health disorders, promptly send the test results to remote specialists, target the appointment of research and medical consultations.
*A set of essential oil testers can be used continuously for 3 years or more
*Online EMTEST® can be performed on a computer, tablet and smartphone with access to the Internet
Health testing with essential oils in 99.9% of cases is a comfortable, safe and painless method of obtaining important health information.
We strive to ensure that the method of testing olfactory responses to odors of 100% natural essential oils is included in the list of routine human biomarker studies conducted during the primary diagnosis of health disorders at all levels of the health protection system, from pre-medical to sanatorium care, and therefore, from now until 2034 inclusive, access to the EMTEST® system will be free for all users.